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大家在看万古第一神 绝世邪神(风狂笑) 万古神帝 万道龙皇 机战无限 紫荆令 快穿女配:反派BOSS有毒 剑巫纪 老衲不想当和尚 战魂天帝 
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第1章 唐夜

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On cloud nine, there is a battle going on. The winner is the Lord of all worlds, and the loser goes into nine layers of purgatory!

A strong man dressed in gold and silver armor and a man dressed in blue Xuan clothes confronted each other.

"Oh! I am tired! Stop it! From today, you will be your God, and I will go to my purgatory! Let's rule out! I admit defeat! " Wearing gold and silver armor, he simply jumped out of cloud nine and entered the nine-story purgatory!

Finally, as the sky changed color, lightning flashed and thundered. The war ended before it started! Because of him, give up!

The sky has changed back to its original color again, which may be just a short moment for Tsing Yi men; But for him, it is a full hundred thousand years!

Now, after nine loneliness, he is colluding with the superior demons and struggling to attack the weakest part of the nine-story purgatory. In this purgatory, one hundred and eight superior demons, each using their own strength, attack this barrier like madness!

The superior demon can't kill by using the power of God's domain, and can only seek new power. Otherwise, God's domain will inevitably be doomed!

For God's sake, he chose to die bravely!

But in order to survive, destroy his mother's nine layers of purgatory!

After a persistent attack! Finally, the nine-story purgatory opened a hole ...

"Whoo!" A young man wearing gold and silver armor stepped out of the black fog with one foot, and sighed with a sigh: "It took me a whole hundred thousand years to finally e out!"

"Damn Lu Qingtian, let Laozi suffer for 100,000 years. I will find you to calculate this account clearly sooner or later!"

He raised his right arm and pointed his index finger at the sky, posing a very overbearing momentum: "Since I am back, my first step is to travel all over the world, destroy the demons and return to the realm of God!"



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站内强推大清隐龙 开局金风细雨楼主,一刀惊天下 在影视世界里降妖除魔 肖靖堂仕途笔记 神级逗比系统 为遮孕肚冲喜,发现夫君是孩亲爹 猎手准则 重生九零小辣椒 喜劫良缘,纨绔俏医妃 史上最强崇祯 萌丫虎妹 重生之我要回农村 神算小萌妃超凶哒 武林灵剑奇缘 我真要逆天啦 我被游戏玩了 四合院聋老太太果然有大秘密! 重生影后有点刚 最强掌教之召唤异兽 大佬穿成了小炮灰 
经典收藏洪荒之我是截教小师叔 弑天剑狱:一剑开天门 被赶出家族后,我无敌了 玄幻:废物峰主,开个挂不过分吧 混元武尊 首席刺客行 开局买下双胞胎狐女,亲亲就变强 点星封天 撼天浮屠 我竟然是仙二代 斗罗之金刀入魂 玄幻:我靠签到打天下 许微微的屠老板 时空洞天三千法则铸无上 拯救大师兄师妹义不容辞 八荒古帝 绝上至尊 玄幻奇缘之两界穿越 我的幻兽主角模板 开局召唤西门吹雪我决定苟在幕后 
最近更新修魔双穿,我在末日无敌了 玄幻:火旺斩神!从献祭痛苦开始 凡尘寻道 最强鹰犬,开局签到三分归元气 一觉醒来,我怎么就无敌了 长生:一梦八十章 我,魔道至尊,从屠杀宗门开始! 渡劫失败,迟来的系统它觉醒了 凡逆天道 噬元蚁 隐世老祖,九个大帝之资嗷嗷待哺 逆天古帝 魔尊竟是女儿身,反手拐走当老婆 苍穹之境:重生之巅 舔不动的圣女在末日尽头后悔了 神纹:八仙降妖除魔 金手指系统群,我抽到最弱辅助? 我,野山神,开局女信徒献身求雨 从校园废柴到玄幻至尊 重生后我和反派在一起 
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