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Chapter I

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Chapter I space-time isolation

Today, I finally know what I have done over the years, but I still want to go back to that point and the place where I can start again.

I am Tang Ye. In memory of my mother, I changed my name to this. I can still see the sentence in my mind: the day of isolation in the air is the time for you to e back!

As soon as I was born in this place, I found that it is different from the place where I used to live. Here is the earth, a blue world. After 25 years in this world, I can't wait for the arrival of space-time isolation day every day. When time and space stop at the same time, that is, when I cross space-time, obviously, People living here don't know this, but some **art people, such as Einstein, put forward the theory of relativity.

In fact, the principle of space-time isolation is similar to that of relativity. Relativity can produce spatial displacement only when the speed exceeds the speed of light. In fact, space-time isolation is to achieve a balance through the talents of some people, so as to shuttle through time and space.

Just like me in those years, I inadvertently passed the space-time isolation, resulting in that I can only live on the earth now. You may not know how much you miss your home, because you don't feel much about home every day, but I'm different. I've lived on the earth for 25 years, so I can't imagine what my home has bee, I'm very homesick and want to go back. Today, the stone I took from the space-time field suddenly lit up. That sentence twinkled in my eyes again: the day of space-time isolation is the time for you to e back!

Now there must be an opportunity in front of me. Although I don't know whether to send me back to that time point or my original world, I still hope to have a try.

Thirty years ago, I got this stone for the first time. At that time, there were at least 30 groups of forces peting for this thing. Duan Qingqing, who exhausted her life, forced me to the space-time array. Therefore, my memory began to freeze here. This scene seemed to have happened yesterday, even though I was old now, I still can't forget that I want to go back, I want to see my home. Although there has been no fluctuation in the past 25 years, since I know that there is an opportunity for me to go back, how can I not be excited? I must grasp it, I must go to find this place, I must see her again, see her again!



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站内强推大清隐龙 开局金风细雨楼主,一刀惊天下 一号保镖 娱乐:我爹是影帝 在影视世界里降妖除魔 来自快穿的自己 空间,万能的,痴情兵王,我的! 快穿女配冷静点 肖靖堂仕途笔记 刘备的日常 雷霆武神 快穿:一言不合么么哒 神级逗比系统 飞天 总裁大人,又又又吻我了 幽荒绝 误惹大神:乖乖萌妻,带你飞 逆鳞 重生之我要回农村 我真的不是龙傲娇 
经典收藏洪荒之我是截教小师叔 弑天剑狱:一剑开天门 诡途秘畔 穿越诸天从九叔世界开始 被赶出家族后,我无敌了 玉帝下凡,开局一条狗 妖塔签到三十年,我有一剑,无敌世间! 轮回剑记 玄幻:废物峰主,开个挂不过分吧 被困同一天十万年,我出世即无敌 低调的我被主角悄悄盯上了 魔修的我在丧尸世界疯狂修行 混元武尊 仙道圣尊 一合三道 我可以无限融合 重生之帝君归来 乾游记 玄幻:我靠签到打天下 妖孽无上邪帝 
最近更新修魔双穿,我在末日无敌了 玄幻:火旺斩神!从献祭痛苦开始 凡尘寻道 最强鹰犬,开局签到三分归元气 一觉醒来,我怎么就无敌了 长生:一梦八十章 我,魔道至尊,从屠杀宗门开始! 渡劫失败,迟来的系统它觉醒了 凡逆天道 噬元蚁 九仙灵宝图 天机阴阳变 隐世老祖,九个大帝之资嗷嗷待哺 天域尊皇 诸天香火增幅?不!我都要 关于我死后到异世界的生活 靠靠靠靠!是谁给孙悟空系统的? 听闻天外有孤城 重生萌妹?孩子看我的眼神不对劲 回到明朝当锦衣卫 
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